ANGLE lab capabilities
ANGLE Lab provides a flexible platform for the development, testing, and validation of advanced control, protection, visualization, and resilient solutions for energy systems. Specifically, real-time digital power system simulators replicate the operation of the grid under study and provide an interface for interaction with power system model components. Three different types of digital real-time simulators – Opal-RT, Typhoon HIL, and RTDS – are available for performing simulation and HIL-based studies on power networks and power electronics. Power amplifiers are used for interfacing high/low-level signals to and from simulators. The PV emulator, programmable loads, and inverters replicate the behavior of realistic grid devices and help to visualize power system dynamics. Protection relays collect data from the power system simulation interface and take protective relaying action as needed. The network simulators add a “cyber” layer to the setup providing a holistic cyber-physical testbed with real-time co-simulation capabilities.